UCLA Lab School’s iSTEAM Lab is a dedicated maker space where students engage in hands-on learning to develop their ability to think, investigate, and communicate like scientists and engineers. Work done in the iSTEAM Lab is integrated with the core concepts of the curriculum. Cross-pollination of activities encourages creativity and invention. Each year we are excited to see what grows out of the collaborations in this dynamic space.
The letters in iSTEAM stand for:
i = interdisciplinary inquiry
S = Science • Social Justice
T = Technology • Transformation
E = Engineering • Ecology
A = Arts • Activism
M = Math • Music

iSTEAM Lab resources:
  • 3-D printers
  • laser woodcutter
  • open-ended repurposed materials
  • textiles
  • sewing machines
  • woodworking tools
  • power tools
  • circuits
  • electronics