Physical Education

Our program is based on the belief that physical education is an integral part of children’s development.
Children build self-esteem and confidence by experiencing physical fitness in an environment where they can play, be active, and learn necessary skill sets that enhance their health. Teachers guide students through John Wooden’s Pyramid of Success to help each child work toward his or her personal best.
Physical Environment
  • Varied learning spaces in two different yards
  • Space for whole class, small groups, station work, relays, and independent skill practice
  • Rich natural environment
  • Equipment accessible for a variety of physical activities at many skill levels
Social Emotional Environment
  • Flexible grouping based on inquiry and interest
  • Students work in pairs, teams, and individually
  • Students work cooperatively and respectfully to reach goals
Language and Communication
  • Direct instruction is limited
  • Activity time is maximized
  • Sharing strategies are used: How did this game work for you? Why? Can you show me? Can you show peers?
Student Work and Assessment
  • Students learn activities they can apply toward lifelong fitness
  • Students create assessment through play, creative games, and cognitive conflict resolution 
  • Smaller groupings to work on skill sets
  • Equipment is varied to meet needs of students
  • Routines and games are varied to meet all needs of all students